
Value Selling Skills

At what level am I in relation to the world’s top salespeople?

SPIN® Sales Skills - training focuses on teaching salespeople the skills needed to sell value. It focuses on key practices in consultative B2B sales which help you to effectively identify and develop customer needs, create value, differentiate yourself from competitors, minimize complaints, and present benefits effectively.

Our trainings tell you both what skills are used in successful sales work and how they are used. There is no shortcut to improving skills - they are only improved through determined training with objective and reliable feedback. For this reason, the core of the value selling training is the exercises, during which the participants have the opportunity to use the skills learned in a safe environment, as well as receive feedback and assess their own progress.

Who is the training for?

SPIN® Sales Skills are for anyone working in sales, business development or customer service who must - or at least should - be able to communicate the value to the customer.

The needs of companies vary and that is why we often tailor this training for each company.

What are our trainings based on?

Precedo Consulting has been an exclusive partner of Huthwaite International in Finland since 2002. Huthwaite International is one of the world's leading sales training organizations. The sales skills trainings are based on the observation of more than 40,000 real life sales and negotiation interactions. In practice, we have been able to differentiate and document the behaviours of skilled sales persons that distinguishes them from average salespersons.

Huthwaite has spent more than 40 years and several million euros on research to ensure that the skills taught in our various training programs are relevant to success and that they repeatedly lead to success in sales in different industries and markets. Because of the research done, Huthwaite is the only training organization in the world that can show that training has contributed to the improved financial performance of companies.

Contact us and we will tell you more about the topic and create a training that focuses on the needs and goals of your company.

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